Pupils at a school in Chester joined forces with The Mersey Forest team to plant 260 trees on their school field this March.
Every class in the school was involved in the project, with children working in pairs to plant their trees, which they'll be able to watch grow as they progress through each year of school.
The trees will help to:
- provide screening around the edge of the school field / windbreak
- providing learning opportunities around science and nature
- capture approximately xx tonnes of carbon, once established
- provide habitat for wildlife
Huntington Primary relocated to a new purpose-built school in October 2018, providing pupils with more space to learn and larger grounds to enjoy. The site is fairly open, with fields to one side and a bypass on another side of the site and the school were keen to introduce trees on the land to act as a windbreak, help with noise pollution and add some more green elements to the landscape.
One of the school's governors contact The Mersey Forest to ask for support to help them plant trees on their land. The Mersey Forest's Community Forester worked closely with governors and staff to design a scheme that would be suitable for the site, advising on the species mix and location for planting.
Each of the school's classes is named after a different tree, so it was very fitting that all classes were able to be involved in the planting which included a mix of broadleaf species, such as oak, silver birch, field maple and rowan and hazel. Morning assembly, on the day of the planting, included a talk from The Mersey Forest's Community Forester, highlighting the importance of trees, what we can do to protect them and how they can help us to take action against climate change.
Pupils all wrote their names on the trees guards that protected the trees they planted.
Duncan Rose, Head Teacher at Huntington Community Primary School, said:
"Many thanks for organising our tree planting day - the children loved it, and were proud to take part in a project for the future health of the planet"
If your school is interested in planting trees on their land, please get in contact to find out more about the grants and support available - email: mail@merseyforest.org.uk