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Trees planted at ice cream farm as part of agroforestry scheme

21 August 2024

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A popular ice cream farm in Cheshire is set to introduce more flavours to its menu thanks to a selection of fruit and nut trees that have been planted on their farm this year as part of a wider agroforestry project.
Snugburys, a family run ice cream parlour based near Nantwich, operates alongside the organic grass farm business. The owners were keen to introduce more trees to the farm and worked closely with local farm advisors, ELM Associates to design a tree planting scheme that would benefit both businesses. Using funding through The Mersey Forest's Trees for Climate programme they've planted over 2,300 trees on their 45ha farm.
Cheryl Sadler, from Snugburys, first learnt about agroforestry from a project in the Amazon. After visiting a farm in Wem and a two-day visit to the Agroforestry show last year, she decided it was something she'd like to introduce on her family farm.

The walnut and hazelnut trees have been planted in rows spaced 36 meters apart, with grassland in between, which is a herbal ley, so that machinery can get around the trees to silage this several times over the summer months. Some of the fruit trees that have been planted include damson, pear and greengage.
Additional trees have also been planted around the edges of the fields and will help with biodiversity, attracting more birds, insects and other wildlife to the site.
Cheryl explained:

"Trying to farm using nature seems like a better way forward. The benefits seem so logical, you are helping the wildlife, helping the soil structure and it just seems a sustainable model to follow."

Paul Nolan, Director of The Mersey Forest, said:

"We can fund up to 100% of tree planting costs, plus 15 years maintenance payments. Our experienced woodland advisors can provide landowners with as much support as they need throughout the planning, funding and planting process."

Jane Atkinson, Farm Conservation Advisor at ELM Associates, said:

"We find it really easy to work with the Mersey Forest and the Trees for Climate project. It takes away a lot of the hassle for the landowner because we can put together the scheme, get all the right permissions and consents in place, and help both with the design and with planting. Working with the Mersey Forest has really enabled schemes such as this to get off the ground."

The Mersey Forest's Trees for Climate programme, which funded the project, is part of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' (DEFRA's) Nature for Climate Fund.

Landowners who are interested in transforming their land with trees, whether they have a small pocket of unused land or several hectares of farmland where they'd like to incorporate trees, are encouraged to get in touch with The Mersey Forest ahead of the planting season (October to March).

Visit our advice for landowners page for more information and to complete an enquiry form or call: 01925 816217.

For more information about Elm Associates visit:

Watch Cheryl and Jane talk about the scheme on our YouTube channel: 


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Community set to benefit following bumper tree planting season

26 July 2024

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Cadets helping with tree planting at Oxton Fields_Wirral
Generations of communities across Cheshire and Merseyside will benefit from the creation of new woodland across the Mersey Forest, following a bumper tree planting season over the winter.
Tree planting takes place between November and March every year and, this season, over 264 ha of woodland have been planted across the Mersey Forest area, that's the equivalent of 380 football pitches.
The Mersey Forest, the area's Community Forest, has worked with a range of partners including Forestry England, Forestry Commission, The Woodland Trust, Cheshire Wildlife Trust, local authorities, community groups and individual landowners to plant over 185,924 of trees in the area.
Planting sites have ranged from local schools and parks to larger agroforestry projects, where farms have incorporated trees on their land as part of a sustainable agricultural system. All trees planted are helping to grow The Mersey Forest and the wider Northern Forest, which stretches from Liverpool in the west to the East Yorkshire coast.
Paul Nolan, Director of The Mersey Forest, said:

"We've been growing The Mersey Forest for 30 years, creating woodlands and greenspaces that our communities will benefit from for years to come. Partnership working is the key to our success, as we've seen particularly this year. We're all working towards the same goal to increase tree cover in the area for the benefit of the local environment and the people who live, work and visit here. This is one of the busiest planting seasons we've had in recent years, and I'd like to thank all the partners, suppliers and community groups we've worked with to help us achieve this."

Paddy Harrop, Regional Director, Forestry England, who have created 53ha of new woodland at Hondslough and Lunt in 2024, said:

"I am delighted that we have created another 53ha of forests extending Delamere Forest with the creation of Hondslough Wood and 13ha at Lunt.  These new forests will deliver more timber for industry, homes for wildlife and more greenspace for people to enjoy."

Keith Jones, Area Director for the Forestry Commission in the North West and West Midlands, said:

"We work closely with The Mersey Forest and other local partners to help farmers and landowners to establish healthy woodlands. Incorporating woodland into the landscape provides many benefits for landowners and land managers, the environment and the local community, and it's great to now see an increase in woodland being created across Cheshire and Merseyside."

The Mersey Forest is continuing to look for areas of land across Cheshire and Merseyside that would be suitable for planting. If you are a landowner with land that could be suitable, The Mersey Forest's experienced Woodland Advisors can visit you on site and provide advice on woodland design, species selection, funding and ongoing maintenance.
Our Trees for Climate programme, which is funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs through the Nature for Climate Fund, can fund up to 100% of tree planting costs, including tree guards and associated infrastructure, such as fencing and gates. Plus, our grants cover up to 15 years of maintenance payments.
Find out more about our work and the support we can provide landowners: Get in touch today for advice and guidance on your planting project, email: or call: 01925 816217.

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Local children set out their demands for more nature in their communities

25 July 2024

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The Mersey Forest has been working closely with children from schools in the north west on a Treescapes: Voices of the Future project, to gain a better insight into young people's understanding and imaginings of the treescapes around them.  
As part of this project a tree manifesto has been developed by Year 5 children at Seymour Park Community Primary School in Old Trafford, Manchester, to share their dreams and demands for trees and nature in their community. Collectively the group have said

"Plant more trees, now! Let us have a future." 

Images from the manifesto have been displayed at key locations throughout Merseyside and Manchester this summer. Many thanks to Clear Channel for providing this free advertising space across a range of sites, through their Platform for Good scheme. 
The children's tree manifesto, developed in conjunction with Manchester Metropolitan University and City of Trees, with illustrations curated by Maisy Summer, shows the children's commitment to a greener, cleaner and fairer Earth.

How will the children's manifesto be used? 

Information will be taken from the manifesto, and wider Voices of the Future project, to feed into The Mersey Forest's strategic Forest Plan, which is currently being redrafted. It will also inform our work with schools, as we deliver forest school and tree planting sessions across Merseyside and Cheshire.

What action can you take to support this work? 

The challenges associated with the climate and nature crises can feel overwhelming for individuals but there are things we can all do to help increase tree cover and give nature a helping hand in our communities. Below are some ideas to get you started.

  • Plant a tree in your garden – if you have the room consider planting a tree in your garden. If space doesn't allow, you could plant some pollinator friendly plants instead. Read our guide to planting trees in your garden for advice on how to plant and care for your tree. 
  • Join a local 'friends of' group – there are lots of fantastic 'friends of' groups in the area that are playing their part to care for local parks and green spaces. Find out about some of the local groups in the area
  • Join a community planting day – tree planting takes place between October and March each year. We'll post details of any community tree planting events taking place in the area on our social media channels. Follow us to keep up to date
  • Share our tree planting grant offer – The Mersey Forest provide tree and woodland creation grants that cover up to 100% of the cost of planting and associated infrastructure, plus up to 15 years maintenance payments. If you know someone with land that might be interested share our website with them
  • Become a citizen scientist – Take part in one of many national citizen science projects that will help researchers understand more about the natural world and how it is adapting to a changing climate. The BBC, Wildlife Trusts, and Record all have information about how to get involved on their websites. 

Get in touch with us

This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council  

For more information about Treescapes: Voices for the Future visit Manchester Metropolitan University Website.

View the full manifesto by Seymour Park Community Primary School.

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Using non-productive farmland for woodland creation

22 July 2024

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The Mersey Forest has worked closely with local farming advisors, ELM Associates for several years, and supported a number of local farmers to design and establish woodland on their land that works for both the farm business and local environment.

Graham Dimelow's farm is set on the edge of west Cheshire, near the market town of Malpas. His family have been farming here since the 1970's, when it was a diary farm, and it is now used to rear young stock.

Graham explained:

"When we finished with the dairy herd, we had a bit more time to consider what we could do with the land. We've always had a very wet corner of one of the fields, where there are a number of ponds, and we thought it would be an ideal place to create a woodland, without taking any of the productive land out of use."

In total 4,067 trees and shrubs have been planted over two sections. A shelter belt in the north and a larger woodland in the south. A mix of native broad-leaf trees were selected, including oak, silver birch, field maple and rowan. The new woodland, alongside the current ponds, will provide ideal habitat for local wildlife, providing a corridor for mammals and invertebrates to move along the valley.

Graham continued:

"It was great to have the support of The Mersey Forest's Woodland Advisors and Elm Associates, helping us with the tree species selection and design of the woodland. We even got a pedestrian gate onto the site funded through the grant, which was a bonus."

The Green Taskforce, an organisation that works with ex-service men and women, helped to plant the trees on this site.

For advice on woodland creation funding in the area visit our woodland advice and grants page.

ELM Associates are farming advisors that supported this scheme. Visit ELM Associates website to get in touch or call: 07794 082860.

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Supporting Cheshire West's Joyful Movement campaign

15 July 2024

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The Joyful Movement campaign takes away any pressure to "exercise". It is a campaign which promotes "fun and joyful movement, encouraging people to move in a way which they enjoy" rather than focusing on keeping fit or embarking on a healthy lifestyle. Everyone is encouraged to get moving in a way that makes them feel amazing this summer. 

Our Natural Health Service run outdoor activities that offer individuals the opportunity to benefit from movement that feels joyful, in outdoor sessions that connect you with the natural environment.

Natural Health Service Acitivities:

  1. Health Walks
  2. Horticultural Therapy 
  3. Mindful Contact with Nature 
  4. Forest School
  5. Healthy Conservation
View the full programme and find an activity near you on the Natural Health Service website

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