St.Helens newsletter, Winter 2012

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The Mersey Forest
St.Helens update / Winter 2012 What is The Mersey Forest?
In this issue
// Welcome
// £10 for every £1 invested: 2011/12 in figures
// 1500 crowd at Sutton Manor event shows potential of Bold Forest Park
// Newton-le-Willows kids learn about wildlife in refurbished parks
// Pipeline offers a green boost for St.Helens
// The Big Tree Plant: 70 groups to dig in this winter
// 1000 reasons why people love their trees
// Ash dieback: region's foresters come together
// Dedicate a tree this Christmas

The widespread media coverage of ash dieback disease has once again highlighted the huge importance that people place upon their trees and woodlands. Thankfully the disease has not been found in the wider environment in the North West as yet, and the public's desire to protect their woodlands will be an important asset in remaining vigilant (see our ash dieback Q&A for more).


The Independent Panel on Forestry has made clear its view that the nation needs more and better woodlands for the benefit of people, the economy and the environment. As we await the government's response to the Panel's recommendations in the New Year, we look forward to an action-packed winter here in The Mersey Forest – planting thousands of trees to transform neighbourhoods across the local area as part of The Big Tree Plant.

Cllr Gareth Cross
Member for The Mersey Forest, St.Helens Council
Pat McCloskey
Chair, The Mersey Forest Partnership
2011/12 in figures
Every £1 invested
creates £10 impact

The Mersey Forest continues to provide great value for money, especially in the current economic climate. Local authorities gained £10 worth of green projects for every £1 they invested in The Mersey Forest in 2011/12.


The annual contribution of £18,609 per authority led to the delivery of £1.5 million of projects right here on our doorsteps thanks to the way The Mersey Forest Team levers in extra funds.

St.Helens highlights

40,000 trees planted in St.Helens to increase the area's tree cover.

21 hectares of new woodland has been created.

574 street trees planted to enhance neighbourhoods in St.Helens.

Latest local news
1500 crowd at Sutton Manor event shows potential of Bold Forest Park

Hundreds of families descended on a sun-drenched Sutton Manor Community Woodland this autumn for The Elf & Fairy Fair.

Newton-le-Willows kids learn about wildlife in refurbished parks

School children in Newton-le-Willows now have a great new place to learn about the local environment, following the completion of regeneration projects in Willow and Mesnes Parks.

Pipeline offers a green boost for St.Helens

The Mersey Forest has been making St.Helens a greener place this year by channelling funding from the St.Helens Landscape Fund into environmental projects across the borough.

Forest-wide news
The Big Tree Plant: 70 groups to dig in this winter

Dozens more schools and community groups will be planting trees with The Mersey Forest this winter to brighten the local area as part of The Big Tree Plant campaign.

1000 reasons why people love their trees

We asked which local woods people love and where they'd like to see more trees planted. We're feeding the public's fantastic response into the refresh of our guiding Forest Plan.

Ash dieback: region's foresters come together

More than 120 North West based woodland professionals attended an ash dieback information meeting this week, organised by us on behalf of the Regional Forestry Forum.

Dedicate a tree this Christmas

Stuck for Christmas present ideas? More than 15,000 trees in local community woodlands have been dedicated as gifts as part of our Dedicate a Tree project.

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