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Help shape the future of outdoor learning for children with special educational needs

19 December 2016

 As part of our Green Learning Environments project, we are researching non-formal learning in the natural environment, and are asking for help in identifying good and best practice.

There is increasing evidence of the importance of learning in the natural environment. Playing and learning in nature stimulates the imagination and enhances creativity. The positive impact of a green learning environment appears particularly important in children with special educational needs.

The Mersey Forest Team, Bluebell Park and Green Lane Schools along with partners and schools from Slovenia and Belgium are working to identify best practice from schools and other organisations. This is part of a project co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme.

We are particularly interested in approaches to non-formal learning in the natural environment for children and young people from 2 - 25 years old with special educational needs. The project is mainly focused on schools for children with special educational needs, but we know that there are many organisations who support or deliver programmes outside school.

We have created a simple questionnaire asking about your experiences of non-formal learning in the natural environment. This will only take a few minutes to complete.

The information will be used to help to shape and test a toolbox for teachers and educators. For each response received, we will plant a tree in The Mersey Forest. Moreover, responses are entered into a draw to win a voucher worth £50.


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