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Warrington pupils kickstart new mini-woodland

04 February 2015

Pupils at Cheshire Day Nursery in Latchford, Warrington, have kick-started the development of a new mini woodland in their front garden.


Four-year-old tots were supervised by teachers and The Mersey Forest team as they planted willow and hazel trees in the area, which will be used to host Forest School sessions in future.


Forest School – a method of outdoor learning which helps children to reconnect with nature and learn about the natural environment – is already well-established at the nursery, but sessions are currently limited to the three mature trees in the garden.


The project is being coordinated by nursery staff and The Mersey Forest and the trees were funded by Big Tree Plant and ForeStClim


Susan Hemy, Early Years Professional at Cheshire Day Nursery, said: "Forest School is an important part of our curriculum. The sessions help to improve children's confidence, interpersonal skills and knowledge of the natural world. The new trees will enhance our Forest School area, enabling nursery staff to harvest den-building materials in future sessions."


Jo Sayers, Community Development Officer at The Mersey Forest, said: "It was great to see the kids getting involved with the planting day – they really enjoyed it and the new trees will greatly improve their Forest School area."

Related documents:
PRESS RELEASE: Warrington pupils kickstart new mini-woodland
04 February 2015
Pupils at Cheshire Day Nursery in Latchford, Warrington, have kick-started the development of a new mini woodland in their front garden.
pdf iconView CheshireDayNursery.pdf press release (42.60 KB)

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